6th Grade
During your child's 6th Grade year, start thinking about High School and where your son/daughter would like to attend. Some High Schools request report cards and i-Ready diagnostic scores beginning in 6th Grade, so study hard and get help when needed.
7th Grade
Report cards and i-Ready diagnostic results for this academic year are reported to all High Schools, public and private. Study hard and get help if needed.
This is also the time to start visiting Open Houses at local Catholic High Schools in the fall and plan to sign up for 7th Grade Shadow Days (excused absense) in the spring. There will also be a Catholic High School fair at St. Edward in the fall for all Junior High Students during the school day.
8th Grade
All 8th Graders are encouraged to take two Shadow Days (excused absenses) in the fall to Catholic High Schools. CPS High Schools do not typically offer shadow days. Take the opportunities to attend Open Houses, even if you attended them in 7th Grade go again! Parents, make sure your students share brochures with you they received from the Catholic High School fair we host in the fall during the school day.
Our Junior High Faculty offer test prep classes/workshops to prepare students for both the Catholic High School and CPS placement tests.
Continune to focus on your i-Ready diagnostics and grades since these will all be reported to your High School when they ask for your final transcript.
High School Testing in 8th Grade
Catholic High Schools:
Students testing at Catholic High Schools will take the High School Placement Test on the first Saturday of December. Register for the rest at your first choice High School as this will give you more opportunities for scholarships and entrance at that High School. Once you register for the entrannce exam, each High School will have specific application instructions and requirements. Please request grades and standardize testing information from our school office as soon as possible so we can make sure to meet any deadlines the High Schools have.
Chicago Public Schools:
Families must register ahead of time and choose the testing date of their choice. CPS will contact St. Ed's directly to request grades. We will adjust our grading scale to match CPS, which benefits our students since our standards are higher.