Title 1
The Title 1 Program provides eligible students with supplemental instruction of essential knowledge and skills in a small group setting. The small groups meet outside the classroom. It is an excellent opportunity for qualified students to receive more individualized reading, writing, and math instruction. Our program is moderated by Ms. Illiana Arroyo.
Resond to Invervention (RTI)
RTI is a program to support differentiated instruction in the classroom, especially to students dealing with academic and/or behavior challenges. Students that have an IEP or ICEP receive additional support that has been identified from an evaluation. This may include simple classroom/curriculum modifications or spcific services such as Speech Therapy or Learning Support from outside sources provided through CPS. Teachers that have identified a struggling student in their classroom can contact the Intervention Team to help identify the best way to enhance their instruction. Our program moderators are Mrs. Caitlin Sammon and Mrs. Sandy Holbach.
Speech Screening
Appropriate development of speech and language is critical to meaningful communications, be it listening, speaking, reading, or writing. We've made arragements with CPS to provide speech and language therapy on site for our students. These services are avaialble for students in Pre-K through 8th Grade who have qualified as part of an individualized education plan (IEP). Screenings are also provided at the school to help determine if students will qualify for ongoing services. If you would like your child screened, please request a permission form in the office.
Fun Lunch Days
Once a month we provide a "Fun Lunch" option for students that have included Hot Dogs, Burgars, Pizza, etc. on a rotating basis. Order forms are distributed before hand and is moderated by the St. Edward Parent Organization (SEPO).
New Family Welcome
Parent volunteers help new families get acclimated to our school through this program that addresses concerns and questions during this transition. Typically, there are a few informal gatherings, an Ice Cream Social, and coffee sessions at drop off time.
No Uniform Today (NUT) Card Days
Certain days of the school year are designated as NUT Card Days. If your student has a NUT Card, they are able to dress out of uniform on those designated days. NUT Cards are given out throughout the year for volunteering, donating, and participating in certain events.